Secret Message

  • Enter your Name, Create Secret Message link and Share with your friends on Whatsapp, Instagram.
  • Get anonymous feedback from your friends, co-workers, and Fans.
  • Once your friends send you a message, you will see the results on a Message board.

Frequently Asked Question

What is Secret Message?

Secret Message allows you to receive anonymous messages from your friends. It’s you in discovering your strengths and areas for improvement by receiving honest, constructive feedback from your employees and your friends.

Why Secret Message link is not working ?

Please, enable cookies from your browser settings. Or Follow the below steps

  1. Open (recommended to use Chrome Browser) For all Android, iPhone Device.
  2. Go to More menu > Settings > Site settings > Cookies.
    You’ll find the More menu icon in the top-right corner.
  3. Make sure cookies are turned ‘on‘ or ‘allow’.

How do you send a secret message?

1) Enter the URL:

2) Enter your name, Click create your anonymous message link button, and share the link with your friends on Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, or any other platform Social Media Platform.

3) Once Publish your link on Public, You Receive anonymous messages that you can only see.

Is Secret Message only for your best friends?

No, you can also share the link with everyone on your WhatsApp Status or Facebook. By doing this, you will be able to know how people think about you in general.

Why i should use Secret Message ?

Our instagram anonymous App comes along with many great features.

Is this app safe?

Yes, The platform is safer than ever, as we are continuously working on the user experience to make the platform more fun. We do care about safety. If you feel unsafe, Please you can deactivate your account first & don’t use our website.

Someone is abusing or threaten?

Please Understand If you have used a service called anonymous messages,
you must understand the identity of users sending you messages are not stored.

  • There are no ways to understand who sent you the messages.
  • There is no way from my side to understand who messaged you.
  • I completely understand your concern, but that’s how our website works.

How to add anonymous message on intagram?

Please check below link to add anonymous link on insta story.
Link: anonymous instagram

As you have got a fair enough idea about what Secret Message Link.

Now time to create your link & share this with your friends so that you can start to receive anonymous compliments.